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To date, I have crossed over more than 2,000 earthbound spirits. I soon became aware that what the majority of spirits want, more than anything, is someone to listen to their stories. I found that it was easier for them to cross over when they could tell me about themselves. It might have been that they could not confide in others while they were alive, and so a big part of my responsibility is listening to their stories and, sometimes, confessions. For some spirits, it is the greatest comfort in the world to know that their stories and messages will be heard and passed on to a loved one, if needed. This is what gives them peace and courage to move on. 


I began keeping a ledger of almost every person I crossed over. The stories can be sad or scary, but they are always interesting. (Who knows: one of these may be one of your friends or relatives!)



1506.  Great Aunt Martha                          She was 77 from Silver City, New Mexico

                                                                    She died in 1986 of natural causes and

                                                                    She wants to tell her kids where she hid the family fortune...


                                                                    ... Just kidding! Don't get too excited! That was just an example.


Here are some real stories from my ledger:



71. Courtney Angelica Pennington            She was 31 years old, she married into money and the name

                                                                     but she found it difficult to handle the lifestyle, so she killed

                                                                     herself with an overdose of pills.



82. Cleo Dover                                           She was 78 years old. She was unsure of her location. She had

                                                                     been a slave owner in the 1700's. She was very unhappy in

                                                                     life and still unhappy in death. She was stoned to death by her

                                                                     slaves after they were tired of being beaten relentlessly. Her

                                                                     energy was the strongest to date. I felt physically threatened

                                                                     by her and she made my hair stand on end.



88. Alfred                                                    He was 54. He witnessed his father shoot his mother and then

                                                                     turn the gun on himself. He was 8 years old and he never spoke

                                                                     again after that. Strangely, he died of a gunshot wound to the head.

                                                                     His mother came through to get him, I have a feeling that he never

                                                                     moved on mentally from 8 years old, he seemed to have a low IQ.






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