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I offer soul readings, property clearings, and Reiki. Allow me to elaborate on these life changing modalities, and how you can incorporate them in to your life. 



Soul Reading Every soul has a record in what is called the Akashic Records. These are records that are kept from the time your soul begins to incarnate on earth.  It has information including your past lives (yes, there is reincarnation and we have been here many times). You can discover how many lives you have had on this earth, who you were in those lives, what you did in those lives, how you died. These records also have information on what soul group you are from and which Archangel realm you are part of. Besides having a fascinating experience, these readings can help with issues you may be having in this life, these issues may in fact be intertwined with your past lives in a way that was not previously known to you.



Property Clearing:  This is used when there are energies attached to a location, either being brought in by people visiting or living on the property, or they are using portals that have been opened on the property.  While we don't know much about portals, they are a natural occurrence that are not as ominous as they sound.  Portals are often used by spirits to jump from one dimension to the next after they have left the physical body. They can open anywhere, for the most part portals are non-invasive and unnoticed. But other times you can have negative entities using the portals which can effect home life as well as a business environment.

For example, my mother sells new homes in Northern California. When a community is not selling well, we investigate for portal activity. In one particular property, there were several portals letting in the light and the dark, and as soon as we did a property clearing, the moods and anxiety dissipated and houses began to sell immediately.



Reiki: This is a form of energy healing introduced in Japan and passed down from many teachers. It is the transference of universal energy (or Ki, in Japanese) through one person to the other. While Reiki does not pertain to any religion, some people can understand that it is like that of the Christians practice of the 'laying on of hands.' It can be used to help with many things which include but are not limited to: headaches, stress, physical pains and emotional baggage. It can also be helpful in removing attached entities from your energy field, cleaning out and balancing your chakras to begin spinning properly, as they can sometimes become blocked.

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