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Soul Reading: $400.00.


Readings can last 60 - 90 minutes or longer, depending on how much you want out of it and how many questions you may have afterward. If you cannot make a face-to-face meeting due to conflicts, I will be available to do it via Email your reading an or Zoom with payment first.


Returning your shields to you:  $40 / session. 


This service will take 10 - 30 minutes and can be done remotely. We all have seven shields surrounding our being that protect us from everyday life and spiritual imposters; over time, they can be worn down. The reason for a lack of shields can vary, but are usually caused by stress in life and can eat away your confidence. A spirit may have attached themselves to your energy field (what we call a “stalker”) and could be influencing your moods and thoughts as their own. Don’t worry, this is more common than people think!  Please remember that while this can happen, it's not a conclusion you should jump to. But if it does turn out to be the case, it is quickly taken care of. Please keep in mind that replacing the shields will not fix the problems in your life but it can givet your stress in a more effective m you a buffer to begin to look manner. The change must come from within. This can only be done once a soul reading has been completed.  


Property Clearing:  $100.00/ Residential  $250.00/ Commercial


Depending on the work that needs to be done on the property, it can be quick or intensive. On average, it takes an hour. When ordering this service, please remember that I will need specific information about the property I am clearing, including your name and street address. This information is for work purposes only and will never be sold or shared. After finishing your case, I can retain the information for future reference or destroy it upon your request.


A Reiki treatment: $75.00 for 30 minute session.  Add $40.00 to have Essential Oils.  


$75.00 healing, including phone consultation. This service is beneficial for those suffering from stress and trauma stemming from physical and emotional issues. This service is not a cure-all, but it can reduce any pain and anxiety you may be experiencing. If you choose to do a phone consultation, please allow 1 hour, including discussing your reasons for wanting the treatment. There is time for questions/concerns before or after the treatment. This process can be done in person or distantly.


Access Consciousnesses The Bars: $150.00 per session


Access is a set of tools and processes designed to facilitate more consciousness for everyone.  Consciousness includes everything without judgment.  It is the willingness and capacity to be aware and present in all areas of your life.  Consciousness is the ability to awaken to more possibilities continually, more choices, and more life.  We can set ourselves free by reminding ourselves that everything we think, feel, believe, judge, or have decided is just an interesting point of view. 


Bundling Services:


30 minute soul reading + Returning shields + 30 minute Reiki session: $200.00

Please contact me if there is anything else you would like to bundle.


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