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I refer to myself as a “Psychic Medium” and “Empath.” I will define each of these words, and how I can use each of these gifts to help others.



Psychic: By definition, this is a term for someone who is sensitive to non-physical or supernatural forces. Now that I have shared the fancy version with you, it is this for me: All humans have the five senses that we use in everyday life. As do I. But unlike some, I kept my sixth sense open to a higher frequency of energy. For me, I have a higher knowing of things automatically. The fact is that every being living on the planet is born with this sixth sense open, but as we get older, humans lose their awareness due to societal emphasis on reason and loss of connection to the intangible. It is up to each of us to awaken this sense if we choose to. 



Medium A medium transmits messages between living people and spirits who have left our plane of existence. From a young age, I have been able to see and talk to the spirits. In my mind’s eye, they are as solid as a living person standing in front of me and they speak as clearly as any living person.



Empath:  An Empath, or Clairsentient, is affected by the energies of others, and have an innate ability to intuitively feel and perceive others. For me it is another way that I acquire information from a spirit. Not all mediums feel the emotions of the deceased, but I receive acute perceptions of anger, sadness, confusion, and pain (yes, I said PAIN!) that is not my own. 


I experience the spirit’s death event as pain manifested in my physical body. So if the spirit was stabbed or shot, I will get a deep tissue pain a few days before I see the spirit and it will not subside until days after the spirit has been crossed over. If the spirit died from natural causes, such as a heart attack or stroke, I will feel chest pain or numbness of my hands, legs, and face. If the spirit died of cancer and was receiving treatments before death, I will not only experience the symptoms of the cancer, but the effects of the treatments as well. A very strong memory I have, is helping a woman cross over who passed from a brain tumor, not only was there a pain in my head, but I was experiencing a feeling of being sick to my stomach and drained as a result of the chemotherapy she had been receiving.   


Sometimes the moods and pain can become overwhelming. To understand the difference between the spirit’s mood or actions and my own, I use the help of Spirit Guides. These beings, assigned to our spirits from birth as trusted allies in our journey, play the most vital role for me in clarifying the correct origin of the information. I often have to ask if what I am feeling is me (in other words, "am I having a heart attack?") or is there a spirit that is trying to communicate with me. My Spirit Guides are always right there, and I could not do half of the things I do without the help of these higher beings.

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