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Orientation And Heavenly Emotions 

I often get questions from people about what happens when their loved one's cross over to the other side, allow me to shed some light on what they see and the experience they may go through. After the soul has left the body and comforted those left on the earthly plane they make their journey back home. Here they are met by Angels, spirit guides, and relatives that have gone before them, after what seems like an endless amount of time together they begin a process called orientation.


Who guides you through orientation? 


Orientation is a process every new spirit goes through, the amount of time you go through orientation is dependent on what the spirit needs to understand about the life they just lived. They will not go through this process alone, they will be acompanied by their primary spirit guide. While all of your guides play a role in helping you through life there is 1 guide also known as your primary guide who is with you from the time you are born to the time your life reaches an end and you make the journey home. This primary guide will be one of the first beings you will see on your new journey through this realm, they will walk you through everything you need to successfully make your transition back to spirit. Because remember, we are a spiritual being having a human experience not a human being having a spiritual experience. 


What is orientation?


Orientation is the process of learning, healing and reflection about your life just lived. Let me elaborate on this point, before we ever incarnate on earth or any planet for that matter and yes there are other planets out there we set up what are called life contracts. These contracts are full of choices that you picked to learn from such as do you want to incarnate as male or female, who will be in my life, why will they be in my life, what lessons will we teach each other in this life, How will my life end, and yes you and everyone chooses how and when they will exit the human world. This can be a difficult concept to understand or except because we as humans want explanations to the experiences we have in this life, when we loose someone tragically or we think that they went sooner than they were supposed to it can be hard to comprehend. 


But we must understand that all of us choose the path we take including our passing, as a new soul out of the body we don't remember that we know this so sometimes we may stick around by choice or become stuck out of confusion. This is where your angels and guides come in during your transition to the other side, with love and guidance they take you through the process of coming home. First you go through a spiritual shower if you will, washing away anything you have collected during your life such as mental illness or an ailment or handicap.These things do not exist on this plane they were all part of your human experience and are no longer necessary to your existence as a spirit. A lot of questions are asked about grudges or regrets held during life and if the spirits still feel hatred, or dislike for those left behind. The answer is Absolutely NOT, those again were "human emotions" and have no baring in this realm. The only things we feel over there are unconditional love, compassion and a feeling of being truly free from anything in our life that may have held us back.          


What is the purpose of orientation?


The purpose of orientation is to release the shackles from your human journey and return to source, God or any name you have for your higher being, you will sit down with your guide and discuss every aspect of your life as it pertains to the contract you created. Did you learn what you set out to learn? Or are there some areas or situations you wish could have been handled better? Sometimes after orientation you will choose not to reincarnate right away and instead become a helper in some capacity. This could be training to be a guide to help others on their journey or simply a spirit that helps to guide others from one world to the next.  Every job is important because it helps in your development as a soul, I believe we are here to love, to grow, and we do that with every life and every assignment we embark on.    


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