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Everyone on earth belongs to an Archangel Realm. Sometimes you might belong to more than one, though that does not make you more special. They act as a compass to the lessons of your soul’s journey.  Can you figure out which Archangel Realm you hail from?

Archangel Michael

The Realm of Protection and Truth

Element: Fire

Direction: South

3rd Eye Chakra

Those trained in this realm are spiritual warriors wielding the sword of truth. Their view of any situation will tend to be black and white with no grey areas. Guardian Angels come from this realm. Humans seek their protection, yet often cringe from the absolute truth they bring through.  We live in a world where such truth is seldom welcome; those who speak such truths are usually harshly treated. Michealites may have much anger turned inward in response to this position in our world. They want to tell their truth and be heard.


They can also feel very taken advantage of in a world where their protection is sought out and valued, and yet, there is a need to stand up for the truth; they find themselves standing alone. Often, they will tend to be loners.













Individuals whose soul training is in Gabriel's realm are often teachers, musicians or work with vibrational healing. Powerful communicators and teachers when expressing their true natures, they often desire to impart information to many people. A major challenge for this group is in the right use of judgment and not becoming overly self critical and judgmental.


A soul who is trained in Gabriel's realm, when on their path, will definatly be in a role as a teacher, imparting something through education, whether it be traditional, or through music or another method.


Quite outspoken and opinionated, Gabrielites do well working for themselves. Often they are too outspoken as employees. This is where appropriate judgment can enter the picture. 









                   Archangel Gabriel

The Realm of Sound, Vibration, Comminication

Element: Water

Direction: West

Throat Chakra

Archangel Raphael

The Realm of Angelic healing

Element: Air

Direction: East

Heart Chakra

Naturally projecting 7 blue healing rays, these individuals are very caring and empathetic, giving much love and healing to all who come in to their path. When out of balance, they may give so much to others, not discerning to whom they should truly be extending healing. Receiving nothing in return. Depleted, they can become empty and exhausted, even ill. A challenge is to recognize the need to heal themselves first, in order to bcome even greater healers.


The loving energy that pours forth from a Raphaelite is quite tangible. They are here to bring through the truth of divine love to the planet. As this love is manifested through balance, it draws great love to them also. 

Archangel Auriel

The Realm of Nature, Compassion, Earth Mother and Sacred Goddess

Element: Earth

Direction: North

Root Chakra

Those trained in Auriel's realm bring us the healing energy of the Earth Mother. Compassionate, tolerant and unconditional, they can easily be taken advantage of and manipulated by those who misuse compassion. Their movable boundaries need the balance of the Mother Lioness part of their training. Wonderful friends, parents, and partners, their compassion is greatly needed on our planet.


Often tolerance is taken to an extreme by Aurielite's. When out of balance they are victims, or in victim consciousness. The story behind this lies in the original androgynous angel that ruled this realm, who split at the time of the Lucifer Rebellion. Uriel became Lucifer the fallen angel and so, Auriel in her compassion and understanding of this part of her being, can show too much compassion for the dark side and be manipulated by it. Aurielite's benefit from being reminded to look at the light, to focus there and let go of the dark side.     

Archangel Kamiel

   The Realm of Power, Light,              Energy

Direction: Directly Above

Crown Chakra

Individuals trained in this realm show us how to live with great power.  Because power is so distorted on Earth, it is challenging to be powerful without becoming abusive, or to limit power for fear of misusing it.  In balance, they show us how to be in our greatest power.  They teach us how to astral travel, because they can move energy in the body, Kamielite's can make wonderful hands-on healers.   

Archangel Zophkiel

The Realm of Art, Beauty, Perfection, Cosmic Law and Order, Balance

Direction: Above and 45 Degrees to the Right

Solar Plexus Chakra

These individuals blend with arts and sciences, lookng at many perspectives and bringing them to balance in the middle.They offer balance in a world of polarity. If out of balance, the perfectionist aspect of their character comes to the forefront. They are naturals in professions such as computer programming, interior design and graphic art. In the unseen realms, they are the lawyers of the universe.  

Archangel Zadkiel

The Realm of Creative Visualization and Manifestation in to the Earth Plane Matter, Growth and Birth

Direction: Above and 45 degrees to the Left

Sexual Chakra

This is the realm that teaches us how to manifest into our physical reality our dreams, visions, needs and desires. Architects, builders and midwives depict the energy of this realm of birth, matter and growth. Often those in this realm manifest so easily, they can be embarrassed by their ability to do so, in the face of so many who cannot.


Most spiritual beings need help from this realm, having been entrenched in the misbelief system that we are poor on earth and find our riches in heaven (this is the distortion by the dark side to keep us in poverty and slavery). Through this realm, we can learn to release this information and manifest our true nature. Which is to be abundant here on Earth.


While each soul has a primary and perhaps a secondary realm of training in an Archangel Realm, each of us is also very connected to all of the realms and the energies they bring through to the Earth Plane. We want to be in balance with our realm of training and also open to the energies of all realms.  

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