My name is Katie Lind. I was born with the gift to communicate with the dead.
I do not believe, contrary to popular belief, that this gift is bad, evil, or something to be feared. I was chosen in this lifetime on earth to help not only the living to communicate with loved ones, but to help those who have passed and remained here in spirit to attain peace and closure. Everything I do is in the light, is done with love.
Now that you know a little about me, let me tell you about the 2,000+ souls I have crossed over into the light.
I call them "earthbound spirits." They have left the physical body, but, for numerous reasons, have trouble finding the light. It might be the manner of their death: if it was swift, they may not know they have died, and remain in a state of confusion. In an attempt to assuage the fear they may be feeling, I gently probe the last things they can remember. I ask specific questions based on the psychic impressions I receive to help them realize that the event of death has occurred. Another reason a spirit may be earthbound is fear of the unknown, what awaits them on the other side.
“Is it painful?” “What or who will I see?”
The most-asked question from a nervous spirit is: “Will I be punished?”
This is especially true if the spirit has done things in their life that makes them ashamed. My answer used to be, “I don't know.” But now, after over 20 years of seeing spirits to the light, my answer is, “Absolutely NOT.” When you cross over, there is a version of an orientation, where everything is gone over with you. Work may be assigned to you, designed to help you through any left-over issues from the life you have just lived.
I have had many types of spirits that have come from all walks of life. All different attitudes, and all of their stories unique. However, one reaction is the same: the moment they see the light, when it is calling them home, and they see the loved ones who have come to help them make their transition. At that moment, every emotion is wiped away and they say that universal word:“WOW!!” They always leave with peace and contentment. It is an amazing experience for all, whether I help them alone in my room or cross them over in front of a loved one.